World ain’t just endin’, it’s dyin’ and we’re all shamblin’ through the rot. This ain’t yer TV show apocalypse neither, ya know, where PEOPLE are the real danger? Sure, there’s some real sick freaks out there, but they ain’t shit next to hordes of mutatin’ zombies, hellspawn Zemons, that inescapable wall of Nothing... well you get it.

Best you can do you is fight fer the livin’! Though even them bunker-weirdos who prepared for this weren’t ready for how bad it really is out there. Hell, everyone out here’s dead, most folks just ain’t realized it yet…

CVRSED FLESH is a rules light, art heavy, zombie bite to the face! Survive brain splatterin’ combat, pitch-dark humor, and some true southern charm in MÅD Borg’s debut modern zombie apocalypse TTRPG.

CVRSED FLESH uses our CVRSED FUTURES concepts, mechanics, and setting where players are survivors in an already doomed world. Building upon these core features each CVRSED book is reskinned with its own new theme, art, scenario story-arc, classes, and mechanics. Each new CVRSED scenario has content compatible with all CVRSED FUTURES products!

This isn’t your typical zombie outbreak; dark hellish fantasy meets modern apocalypse, CVRSED FLESH brings a whole different spin to the genre.

  • 8 New Player Classes: Learn to abuse the cvrse as a Virologist, master your own undeath as a Necromancer, or use your cvrsed Poxxed blood and predict the future!

  • 8 Factions: Help the MÅD Reasearchers find a cure for the cvrse, or join the Order of the Black Mural and help the dead find peace.

  • New terrifying threats, from demon possessed undead, leviathan creatures, and even the Cvrsed that change their abilities with an ever changing mutation.

  • Seek out Stragglers to accompany you on your journey, with their own skills and flaws; have them join your group or use them to establish and defend your own settlement and create a new bastion for humanity.

  • Explore the vastness of Nowhere with random roll table generator to create your own cvrsed future Florida, USA with points of interest, shelter, encounters, and more!


on Patreon


Our Kickstarter for CVRSED FLESH will launch in 2025, bringing a hardback book and other fantastic physical rewards to complete your games.

Anyone who wants to support the creation of the project, and get access to our content while we’re making it, then you can subscribe to our Patreon each month and help bring this project and more MÅD BORG content to life!

Creating the darkest and most wicked compatible content for your favorite BORGS, as well as our own original Borg inspired monstrosities. MÅD BORG is a collaborative partnership between The MAD Network and Odd Gob Games

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